miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

The Mothers

Hace un par de días terminé esta novelita muy recomendable. No es el género de lo que  usualmente leo, pero los que me conocen bien saben que tengo un interés personal por el tema.

Antes de que me la hagan de jamón de  por que la reseña en Ingles, bueno pues es por que la novela aun no la publican en español y por que no quiero que se me olvide el Ingles que cada vez practico menos.

La buena noticia es que al parecer ya se esta preparando la película, lo que obligará a su traducción de un momento a otro.

The MothersThe Mothers by Jennifer Gilmore
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Mothers is a detailed and honest description of the hard struggle infertile couples face when presented against everyday regular situations. The normality of a day in the park where a mother pushes a dual stroller with twins or kids riding the swing pushed my their father may not seem to discomfort anyone, but there's a special kind of people that long and hurt with such a scenario. Jennifer Gilmore presents the story of Jesse and Ramón a regular New York couple that have to deal every day with society remaining them of how miserable their lives are.

It's supposed to be fiction, but the sorrow, desperation and anguish feel so real as you go though the pages. Jesse and Ramón are an infertile couple that opts for open adoption as means to become parents. But the road to achieve happiness might be the hardest challenge they have encountered so far in their lives. You'll find yourself cheering and wishing for Jesse and Ramon to become parents within a few pages. You'll meet some nasty antagonists along the way that will make you feel ashamed for being part of the human kind, but must of all you'll see the world from Ramon and Jesse's eyes. If you or someone yo care about is struggling with adoption or infertility, read this book.

View all my reviews

En vacaciones comencé a leer Influx de Daniel Suarez; llevo solo un 25%, pero la verdad que este cuate ha evolucionado bastante desde Daemon y Freedom. Espero pronto también poder compartirles esta reseña proximamente.